The following items were discussed at the Session Meeting held on June 14, 2015:


Several building use requests have been approved by the clerk since the last Session meeting.

The treasurer submitted the financial report for May.

- The report summarized all of the various memorial funds the have been setup and donations that have been made.

- The Session will work with the treasurer to clarify procedures for memorials and donations to bring them in line with the Book of Order.

The Session received a letter from the Presbytery of East Tennessee's Nominating Committee requesting suggestions of persons to serve on various Presbytery Committees and teams..

- Rev. Jump will respond.

PNC report.

- The committee reported that things are starting to move.

- The committee is looking at several new candidates and will narrow the field to 5 or 6.

- They will then ask for additional information from each candidate and set up interviews with the 2 or 3 they feel are right for New Hope.

- The committee is in the process of developing interview questions.

The Session had a lengthy discussion of items and procedures that need to be addressed before we call a new pastor.

 The Buildings & Grounds committee reported on updates to the New Hope buildings and landscaping.

- The committee reported that the landscaping project in front of the church is proceeding.

- The air conditioning unit in the McMillan Building has been repaired.

The Worship Committee reported that the Taize services have gone well and are continuing for the next few Sunday's

The Education committee reported that planning continues Vacation Bible School, July 7-10, and things are starting to take shape.

The Mission committee met on June 2nd.

- 2-cents-a-meal will be collected in July to prepare for the start of school.

- PW collected 23 packages of diapers for Room In The Inn.

- The congregation will be asked to donate school supplies for East Brainerd and is encouraged to continue bringing in box tops.

- The committee designated certain months in the calendar to emphasize various mission projects.

- Jan-Feb – East Brainerd Elementary, March-April – Samaritan Center, May -June – Newton Center, July-Aug – East Brainerd Elementary, Sept-Oct – Community Kitchen, Nov-Dec – Room In The Inn

Mission and Education will jointly sponsor a church picnic on the last day of Vacation Bible School for New Hope members and all family members of the children in attendance. The date is July 10th.


The next Session Meeting will be July 19th at 12:15pm.