Session Highlights For March


The March meeting of the Session was held on March 15th.  The following are the highlights from that meeting.

¨ The Session approved the baptism of Mollie McDonald to take place on May 15th.

¨ The Treasurer’s report -

- Giving continues to be down compared with this time last year.

- The Session approved the Treasurer’s recommendation that money from memorial funds which have no designated purpose be consolidated into the New Hope Memorial Fund.

¨ Wednesday night supper and Bible study will begin again after Easter.

- The cost of supper will be $7.00.

¨ The Session approved the purchase of new pots and pans for the McMillan Building kitchen.

¨ April 10th was set as the date to install the Elders of the Classes of 2017 and 2018.

¨ Committee assignments were made for the current Session.

- Ron Young – Buildings & Grounds, Jon Geerlings – Education, Barbara Krupp – Worship, Linda Brandon – Mission, and Gerai Kocher – Fellowship.

¨ The Buildings & Grounds committee is looking at several projects.

- Ways to revitalize the labyrinth.

- Adding insulation to the attic of the McMillan Building.

- Updating the kitchen in the narthex.

- Installing an additional yard drain.

¨ The worship committee reported that the Taizé service at New Hope will resume on the third Sunday of the month.

¨ Rev, Worth reported on several items.

- She is trying to make worship more kid friendly.

- She will be meeting with the children after worship on April 3rd to talk about the significant of communion.

- She would like to have a special worship activity for the children every 6 to 8 weeks.

- She is working with the management at the Embassy Suites to let them know of church activities that their guest might like to participate in.


The next Session meeting will be April 17th at 12:15PM.